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Computer keyboard

press and hold the Ctrl key, and then press the S key too.
You can also find the shortcut keys to their most popular program by looking for underlined letters in their menus. For example, the image to the right has an underline on the "F" in File, which means you can press the Alt key and then the "F" key to access the File menu.
Some programs require the user to press and hold Alt to see the underlined characters. In the same image above, you can see that some of the common features, such as Open (Ctrl+O) and Save (Ctrl+S), have shortcut keys assigned to them. As you begin to memorize shortcut keys, you'll notice that many applications share the same shortcut keys. We have a list of the most commonly shared ones in the basic PC shortcut keys section.

There are a variety of third party keyboard apps for Android that have all sorts of features. If you want to get your text on for real, then let’s check out the best Android keyboards right now.for  android keyboard


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